Friday, October 5, 2012

Halloween Digi-Contest

I WILL be doing a Halloween Digi-Contest©!!!!!!!! And the Digi~Contest© prize will be a Customized PICTURE DEZINE GRAPHIC, Made by me :) && there will be 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners!!!! (Prize Value is $5.00) :D This is NOT a Coverphoto graphic. This is a Default Profile Pic Graphic. Sized big enough where you can even print it out & frame it, so get some good pics taken in case u win!! Picture can be of: 1. You 2. Your Kid or Kids 3. Your Significant Other (alone or with you) 4. Your Family 5. Your Pet or Pets One Customized Picture Dezine per winner. You get to choose colors,quotes,picture,font. We'll discuss what you want exactly when it's time! I'm excited ;) Please hold a piece of paper in your hand with this written on it..... "Polished Dezinez Addict Halloween Digi-Contest©"so I know your entry is unique for my contest. I do not want you to send me a mani you've used in another contest. Be original. Don't COPY some mani you've seen online.. Have fun with this Halloween theme. Halloween is my Favorite holiday!!! Must be a full 5 fingernailz of Hand drawn nail art. NO STAMPING ALLOWED! NO STICKERS ALLOWED! You can use glitter & rhinestones and any other jewels you want. They can be your nailz or fake nailz, but please glue the nailz on before sending me your entry. All entries can be sent to me at or you can upload them on my nail page. Contest starts Sunday October 5th & ends October 13th 2012;) Might give us enough time to do one more before Halloween is over ;) So thay might be 6 winners.... «Good Luck»