Monday, October 14, 2013

Liebster Award!

Hey y'all! I've been nominated for a "Liebster Award", it's awarded to bloggers who have less than 200 followers. The award helps blogs get more readers and become a bigger part of the blogging community which is always good! I made a Thank you Graphic for MY Award. 

It'll be in the top tab under 'Awards' in case you'd like to see what other rewards I've been given and also to read my Q's & A's. Thanks for reading. Please if you have a blog with under 200 followers please leave your link below in a comment and I'll check out your site and see if I nominate you.

I'll have my Questions answered and MY questions done this coming week, so check back soon if you're interested! Please comment below if you know someone with a blog that you'd like for me to see.

Hey guys, I've been nominated for a 'Liebster Award', it is awarded to bloggers who have less than 200 followers. The award helps blogs get more readers and become a bigger part of the blogging community which is always good!

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Hey!! Thanks for reading my Blog Posts, and if you're reading this bit right here then you're probably about to comment!! And I hope you do!! I LOVE reading your comments and thoughts about the things I post about! I would LOVE more people to comment and leave positive critisicm!! And if you have a Blog or Blog post you'd like for me to see, Email me at I enjoy reading all of your comments